
You can do some custom configuration in /src/utils/config.js:


  • Type String

    Configure the site name, apply it to the login box, and display the title text at the top of the sidebar.

  • Type: String

    Configure the copyright notice to apply to the login page, at the bottom of the Primary layout.


  • Type: String

    Configure the site logo to apply to the login box and the Logo display at the top of the sidebar.


  • Type: String

    Configure the prefix of the interface in the project. The interface related documents can be viewed API configuration


  • Type: String

    Under the Primary layout, whether the top of the page is fixed when scrolling。


  • Type: Array

    Configuration? Which routes use which layout, unspecified route uses the default layout Public, the project currently has Primary and Public layouts,      The default configuration is as follows:

        layouts: [
                name: 'primary',
                include: [/.*/],
                exclude: [/(\/(en|zh))*\/login/],

    The object properties for each layout are as follows:

    • name - The name of the layout;

    • include - Specifies a list of routing rules that use this layout, which can be a regular expression or a string;

    • exclude - Specifies a list of routing rules that do not use this layout, which can be a regular expression or a string.

Note: exclude takes precedence over include, and the layout previous it has a higher priority than the behind layout. The development process may need to be combined with the layout in the src/layouts directory. For details, see Using Layout.


  • Type: Object

    Configure internationalization, the default configuration is as follows:

    i18n: {
        languages: [
              key: 'en',
              title: 'English',
              flag: '/america.svg',
              key: 'zh',
              title: '中文',
              flag: '/china.svg',
        defaultLanguage: 'en',


    • Type: Array

      Specify which languages the app supports, and the object properties for each language are as follows:

      • key - The key of the language is applied to the page url to distinguish the language, and also corresponds to the language package folder name in the src/locales directory;

      • title - The name of the language, at the bottom of the login page, at the top of the Primary layout, the language switch is displayed;

      • flag - The path of the flag icon of the language, the language switching display at the top of the Primary layout.


  • Type: String

    Configure the default language.