
After the development is completed and verified in the development environment, it needs to be deployed to our users.



First execute the following command,

npm run build

After a few seconds, the output should look like this:

> delicate-rs@5.0.0-beta build /Users/delicate/delicate-web
> umi build

[21:13:17] webpack compiled in 43s 868ms
 DONE  Compiled successfully in 43877ms          21:13:17

File sizes after gzip:

  1.3 MB     dist/vendors.async.js
  308.21 KB  dist/umi.js
  45.49 KB   dist/vendors.chunk.css
  36.08 KB   dist/p__chart__highCharts__index.async.js
  33.53 KB   dist/p__user__index.async.js
  22.36 KB   dist/p__chart__ECharts__index.async.js
  4.21 KB    dist/p__dashboard__index.async.js
  4.06 KB    dist/umi.css

The build command will package all resources, including JavaScript, CSS, web fonts, images, html, and more. You can find these files in the dist/ directory.

If you have requirements for using HashHistory , deploying html to non-root directories, statics, etc., check out [Umi Deployment] (

Local verification

Local verification can be done via serve before publishing.

$ yarn global add serve
$ serve ./dist


- Local:            http://localhost:5000
- On Your Network:  http://{Your IP}:5000

Copied local address to clipboard!

Access http://localhost:5000, under normal circumstances, it should be consistent with npm start (The API may not get the correct data).


Next, we can upload the static file to the server. If you use Nginx as the Web server, you can configure it in ngnix.conf:

		listen       80;
        # Specify an accessible domain name
        # The directory where the compiled files are stored
		root  /home/www/delicate-web/dist;

        # Proxy server interface to avoid cross-domain
		location /api {
			 proxy_pass http://*.*.*.*:8090/api;

         Because the front end uses BrowserHistory, it will route backback to index.html
		location / {
				index  index.html;
				try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

Restart the web server and access , You will see the correct page.

nginx -s reload

Similarly, if you use Caddy as a web server, you can do this in Caddyfile: {
        root /home/www/delicate-web/dist
        proxy /api http://localhost:7000

        rewrite {
                if {path} not_match ^/api
                to {path} {path}/ /
} {
        root  /home/www/delicate-web/dist/static/public