
Add a new layout

Take a new layout named secondary as an example to make the route starting with secondary use this layout.

  1. Add related configuration in src/utils/config.js. For details, please refer to layouts.
   layouts: [
               name: 'primary',
               include: [/.*/],
               exclude: [/(\/(en|zh))*\/login/, /(\/(en|zh))*\/secondary\/(.*)/],
               name: 'secondary',
               include: [/(\/(en|zh))*\/secondary\/(.*)/],
  1. Add the secondary layout component to the src/layouts/BaseLayout.js file.
   import SecondaryLayout from './SecondaryLayout'

   const LayoutMap = {
     primary: PrimaryLayout,
     public: PublicLayout,
     secondary: SecondaryLayout,
  1. Add the SecondaryLayout.js file to the src/layouts/ directory.
   import React from 'react'

   export default ({ children }) => {
     return (
  1. Add a secondary/index.js file to the src/pages/ directory.
   import React from 'react'

   export default ({ children }) => {
     Return <div>Secondary page Content</div>
  1. Finally, start the development mode npm run start, open http://localhost:7000/secondary/ and you will see the page for the secondary layout.