Executor Group
which corresponds to a service, or a business.

Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Group name | Yes |
description | string | Group description | Yes |
tag | string | Group tag | Yes |
Executor Processor
which corresponding to a physical machine, or a container.

Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Processor name | Yes |
description | string | Processor description | Yes |
tag | string | Processor tag | Yes |
host | string | Processor host , No spaces between strings, (example: ) | Yes |
machine_id | int | Processor machine-id , Value range (0 to 1023). In order to mark custom machine serial numbers and to be able to using snowflake algorithm generate unique task-instance-id | Yes |
Executor Processor Bind
, which corresponds to the association between a Executor Group
and a Executor Processor
, and the task needs to select the machine(Executor Processor) to execute through the association Executor Processor Bind
When there are hundreds of tasks associated with a certain Executor Processor Bind
, it is easy to switch the machine that executes the task if you want to. Just modify the Executor Processor
associated with the Executor Processor Bind
, then hundreds of tasks will be removed from the old machine and executed on the new machine.

Name | Type | Description | Required |
group_id | int | Group id | Yes |
executor_id | int | Processor id | Yes |
name | string | Binding name | Yes |
weight | int | Resource Occupancy Weights | Yes |
which corresponds to a set of commands given by the user that will be executed on the machine to generate task instances.

Name | Type | Description | Required |
name | string | Task name | Yes |
description | string | Task sescription | Yes |
command | string | Task Commands for task execution | Yes |
frequency | string | Frequency for task execution | Yes |
cron_expression | string | Cron Expression for task execution | Yes |
timeout | int | Cron Timeout for task execution | Yes |
retry_times | int | Retry times for task execution | Yes |
retry_interval | int | Retry interval for task execution | Yes |
tag | string | Task's tag | Yes |
binding_ids | [int] | Task's bingding | Yes |
Task Instance
which corresponds to an instance of a running task (e.g a running process).

Name | Type | Description | Required |
id | int | Unique id generated by snowflake algorithm | Yes |
task_id | int | Task's id | Yes |
name | string | Task name (snapshot) | Yes |
description | string | Task description (snapshot) | Yes |
command | string | Task's id | Yes |
frequency | string | Task's frequency (snapshot) | Yes |
cron_expression | string | Task's cron_expression (snapshot) | Yes |
maximum_parallel_runnable_num | int | Task 'smaximum_parallel_runnable_num (snapshot) | Yes |
tag | string | Task's tag (snapshot) | Yes |
status | int | Task's Status Included(Running = 1,Finished = 2,AbnormalEnding = 3,TimeoutEnding = 4,TmanualCancellation = 5,Unknown = 81) | Yes |
created_time | datetime | Task Instance creation time | Yes |
updated_time | datetime | Task Instance Update time | Yes |
executor_processor_id | int | Executor processor id | Yes |
executor_processor_name | string | Executor processor name (snapshot) | Yes |
executor_processor_host | string | Executor processor host | Yes |
which corresponds to users of the system.
PS: When the system is first installed, you can set the initial user in .env

Name | Type | Description | Required |
user_name | string | User account, must be unique | Yes |
nick_name | string | User nickname | Yes |
mobile | string | Mobie-number(unique) | Yes |
string | Email(unique) | Yes | |
certificate | string | Password credentials (the station saves the password, the station does not save or save the token) | Yes |
delicate aggregates the task scheduling for the latest day, including: (successful scheduling, timeout, manual cancellation, abnormal end, normal end, etc.), which we can view in the home dashboard.

There are two levels of security, 0 and 1.
This can be adjusted by setting the environment variable DELICATE_SECURITY_LEVEL
At level 0, the executor and scheduler communicate without security signatures.
Under level 1, executor and scheduler will use RSA key for authentication when binding, and then dynamically generate a token, which will be stored in the database of scheduler, and each subsequent communication will use token & sha2 hash algorithm for signature authentication.